Some weeks ago we talked about some Spanish expressions and sayings related with the Spanish geography which show you (really) speak Spanish. This week we bring you some of the most popular expressions about jobs.

Cada maestrillo tiene su librillo. It is used to remark the fact each person has its own tricks and ways of doing things. It plays with the rhyme between the diminutive forms of the nouns maestro (maestrillo) and libro (librillo).

Zapatero, a tus zapatos. We use it to tell someone to mind his own business and to only judge about what he knows.

Donde hay patrón, no manda marinero. This expression refers to the fact that when there is a boss (el patrón, the boat’s captain) the urderling (el marinero, the sailor) has no other choice than following his orders. We use it in a working environment, but it can also refer to the family. In this sense, el patrón may be any figure of authority, such as parents or older siblings.


En casa del herrero, cuchillo de palo

En casa del herrero, cuchillo de palo. We use this expression when there is a situation in which, being specialists in something, for whatever reason, we do not use this skill on ourselves or in our closest environment. We would accept that in a blacksmith’s house we would find an iron knife, instead of a wooden one (de palo).

Piensa el ladrón que todos son de su misma condición. It is used to make someone realise that he is accusing someone of something when he is often the one acting in that particular way. So, thieves tend to think everybody else is also a thief.

You know in 2DayLanguages we think that, in order to say you really speak Spanish, you need to know the language peculiarities. That is the reason why we encourage you to keep looking for more Spanish expressions by your own.

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